Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Four-Fold Way of the Shaman: Walking the Paths of the Warror Teacher, Healer and Visionary.

In order to live in true harmony with ourselves and our environment, we must integrate the inner power of the warrior, healer, visionary, and teacher into our lives. When we fully develop the power of these four archetypes, we are on the 'fourfold path'.

Workshop with Freddy Castro 
Fees: $ 1500 per Workshop
Infos: e-mail:

The Workshop "The Fourfold Way of the Shaman" is a cycle with four workshops, one workshop per month.

1. Workshop: Archetype of the warrior 

The warrior is the archetype of the leader. We revert to our leadership abilities by accepting our power, showing ourselves and choosing to be present, to show honor and respect and to be responsible and reliable.