Sunday, March 20, 2016


The city of Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, is divided in 62 barrios. Until now my husband and I only know a few of them. Almost half of the population - about 1.5 million - lives in Montevideo. It's one of the safest cities of South America.

Attractive shopping opportunities

Tres Cruces Shopping

Tres Cruces Shopping

Nice Shoppingcenter at the Bus Terminal
Address: Bulevar Gral. Artigas 1825

El Granero

There's a huge choice at El Granero - not only grains - as the name "El Granero" suggests, but also a variety of dried fruit, different nuts, oils, chocolate, spices, organic sugar (also stevia) and a lot more.
Address: José Batlle y Ordóñez 3224

Tienda Inglesa

I love shopping at Tienda Inglesa. If you fancy something special - go there. Fruit and vegetable however you get much cheaper at the markets. Another shop where you can buy special products is at:

Leopoldo Gross

Brands like Lindt, Alfredo, Café Pelé, Krüger, etc.
Cuareim 2002, Montevideo 11800

Portones vis-à-vis Tienda Inglesa

Great Shoppingcenter at the Av. Italia.
Av Italia 5775 - Carrasco

Peatonal Sarandí

It's much fun to stroll around in the pedestrian zone of the Cuidad Vieja (old town). It's teeming with shops, restaurants, gift shops, art galleries and a lot more. After shopping relax in one of the many street cafés.

Escollera Sarandí

Escollera Sarandí

Palacio Legislativo


Mercado Agricola

Mercado Agricola

Mercado Agricola

Calle Salto - there's a fruit and vegetable market every Saturday.

There's always a cheerful bustle at the markets

It looks YUMMY

Pick the most delicious!


Colonia Suiza, Nueva Helvecia

Calle Salto - Market on Saturdays

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