Friday, July 31, 2015

Healing herbs in Uruguay

My love for healing herbs brought me to the Garden Nursery Pachamama - the best I have ever seen. It was amazing - but I was CONFUSED. Of course the plants are labelled in Spanish which didn't help me much. I decided to make a course about herbalism at the "Instituto Paracelso". So my knowledge about the plants here in Uruguay and their names increased thanks to our proficient instructor Carlos Guerra who is also the Director of the "Instituto Paracelso". Thank you Carlos! The pictures are published with his kind permission.

You can buy the plants and also trees and shrubs (mainly fruit and berries) at Vivero Pachamama.

Disclaimer: The content found in this blog is for informational purposes only.

EnglishSpanishScientific nameHealing properties
AgaveMagueyAgaveAntiseptic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, used externally
Aloe VeraAloe VeraAloe barbadensisExcellent treatment for skin conditions such as burns and eczema.
AnamuGuinePetiveia alliaceaKills cancer cells, stimulates the immune system
Angelica root AngelicaAngelica ArchangelicaMedicine to stimulate gastric secretion, treat skin disorders, flatulence, and rheumatism.
Angel's TrompetFloripondioBrugmansia arboreaPoisonous plant, hallucinogenic drug, poisonous to: Cats, Dogs,
ArazaArazaEugenia stipitataAnti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antispasmodic effects.
ArtichokeAlcaucilCynara scolymusArtichokes are probably best known for their cholesterol reducing and liver protecting properties.
Autumn mandrakeMandragoraMandragora autumnalisPoisonous, only in homeopathic, sleep inducing, joint pain, asthma, depression
AvocadoPaltaPersea americanaReduces blood pressure, cardiotonic, use in cosmetics
AyahuascaAyahuascaBanisteriopsis caapiPsychoactive drug, used by shamans
BasilAlbahacaOcimum basilicumAnti-inflammatory, combats bowel inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis.
Bay leavesLaurelLaurus nobilisImmune booster, wound healing and anti-viral
Black currentGrosellero NegroRibes nigrumBoosts immune system, antioxidant capabilities
BlackberryZarzamoraRubus FruticosusAgainst diarrhea. astringent, blood purifying, skin impurities
Blue VervainVerbenaVerbena HastataDiuretic, Respiratory disorders, soothing
BoldoBoldoBoldean fragans Supports the gallbladder, calms upset stomachs
Borage BorrajaBorago officinalisDiuretic, demulcent, emollient, digestive
Broadleaf PlantainllantenPlantago majorBlood purifying, expectorant, antibacterial, diuretic, cough
Bushy MatgrassSalvia trepadoraLippia AlbaAgainst headache and migraine
CabbageRabanoBrassica oleracea L.Rheumatism, gout, inflammations
CalagualaCalagualaCampyloneurum angustifoliumBlood-purifying, sudorific, against skin diseases and rheumatism
CalendulaCalendulaCalendula officinalisCalendula is applied to the skin to reduce pain and swelling (inflammation) and to treat poorly healing wounds
CamphorAlcanforCinnamomum camphoraCamphor as an essential oil is stimulant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, decongestant, anesthetic, sedative, antineuralgic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, also against insects
Castor BeanTartagoRicinus CommunisUsed as a laxative, Castor oil should be applied topically for getting relief from general muscle aches, arthritis and back ache.
ChacrunaChacrunaPsychotria viridisIt is known primarily as an additive to the ayahuasca brew used in South and Central America.
ChamomileManzanillaChamaemelum nobileDigestive disorders, flatulence, cramps
Cinnamon treeCaneleroCinnamorum zeilanicum Anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-septic, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, rubefacient (warming and soothing), carminative and anti-flatulent properties.
Coffee plantCafeCoffeaStimulant, the shrub can reach a height of 16 feet
ComfreyConfreiSymphytumExternally for its uses as in healing wounds, inflammation, bruises, muscle and joint aches
Common MulleinGordoloboVerbascum thapsusDemulcent, emollient and astringent, useful in pectoral complaints and bleeding of the lungs and bowels
Common rue Ruda Ruta graveolensRelieves cramps, improves blood circulation, combats flatulence
CorianderCilantroCoriandrum sativumAnti bacterial and antiseptic, digestive, antispasmodic
DandelionDiente de LeonTaraxacum officinaleDiuretic, used in kidney and liver disorders
DigitalDigitalDigitalis purpureaThe homeopathic remedy digitalis is primarily used to treat heart ailments
EchinaceaEquinaceaEchinacea angustifoliaStimulates the body's immune system, fights infections, especially the common cold, the flu, and other upper respiratory infections.
English IvyHiedraHedera helixExpectorant properties, stimulates mucus glands
EphedraEphedraEphedra fragilisMedical plant, psychoactive, stimulating, dangerous when overdosed
Espinheira santa CongorosaMaytenus ilicifolia Tree, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, estrogenic effect, pain reliever
Evening primroseOnagraOenotheraTea made from the roots is used in the treatment of obesity, seeds for skin and blood vessels
FennelHinojoFoeniculum vulgareRemedy for gas, acid stomach, gout, cramps, colic and spasms, calming
FigHigueraFicus caricaFigs are used for their mild, laxative action
FireweedEpilobioEpilobium angustifoliumA treatment for prostate and urinary problems including benign prostatic hyperplasia or enlarged prostate, and for various gastrointestinal disorders
GingerJengibreZingiber officinaleWarming remedy, lowering high blood pressure, anti-viral, cold and flu remedy
Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair)Ginkgo BilobaGinkgo BilobaStimulates the brain and reduces short-term memory loss, improves blood circulation
Greater CelandineCelidoniaChelidonium Majushomeopathic, (poisonous), liver and biliary system.
GuavaGuayaboPsidium guajavaAnti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antidiarrheal, antimutagenic properties.
Hawthorn Crataegus, Espino blancoCrataegus monogynaBeneficial to the cardiovascular system
HemlockCicutaConium maculatumPoisonous, only used as a homeopathic remedy
HollyhockMalvarrosaAlcea roseaEmollient, demulcent and diuretic properties
Horehound herbMarrubioMarrubium vulgareAnti inflammatory effects, Bronchitis, cough
Horse-chestnutCastaño de IndiasAesculus hippocastanumVaricose veins, hemorrhoids, swollen veins
HorsetailCola de caballoEquisetum Relieves rheumatism, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, blood-cleansing
JuniperEnebroJuniperus communisDigestion problems, loss of appetite, infections
Lady's mantlePie de LeonAlchemilla vulgarisParticularly for women's diseases, blood purifying, diuretic, relieves cramps
LavenderLavandaLavandula officinalisLavender is used for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression. It is also used for a variety of digestive complaints including meteorism.
Lemon BalmMelisa (toronjil)Melissa officinalisCalming effects (anxiety, sleep problems, restlessness), antioxidant, protects brain cells,
Lemon BeebrushCedronAloysia citrodoraProtects your muscles, reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, calms the stomach, reduces fevers, soothes nerves, and clears up congestion
LemongrassLemongrassCymbopogon citratusReduces fevers, bowel spasms, soothing
MarcelaMarcelaAchyrocline satureioidesRespiratory disorders, kills viruses and bacteria
MarjoramMejoranaOriganum majoranaCalming the stomach and digestive system, eliminating flatulence, curing or preventing basic intestinal infections
Mexican teaPaicoDysphania ambrosioidesanti-parasite, carminative, vermifuge, digestive
Milk thistleCardo MarianoSilybum marianumRecommended herb for liver health, contains numerous anti-aging properties, works as a free radical scavenger and powerful antioxidant
Mother of ThousandsArantoKalanchoe daigremontianaUsed externally: inflammations, ulcers, athlete's foot, eczema, warts
MyrtleArrayanMyrtus communisAntibacterial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant properties
Night ShadeBelladonaAtropa belladonnahomeopathic, against inflammation (poisonous
Orchid treePata de vacaBauhinia forficataEffective against Diabetes Mellitus
OreganoOreganoOriganum vulgareAntioxidant , anti-fungal, antibiotic, pain reliever
ParsleyPerejilPetroselinum crispumRich in many vital vitamins, keeps the immune system strong, relieves joint pain
Passion fruitMaracuyaPassiflora edulisRelaxing, antispasmodic, stimulating and uplifting effect
PeppermintMenta PiperitaMentha piperitaAntispasmodic, cholagogue, prevents flatulence, antibacterial
Peruvian Pepper treeAnacahuitaSchinus molleAntimicrobial and antiseptic against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections;
Peruvian torch cactusSan PedroTrichocereus peruvianus Psychoactive plant
RosemaryRomeroRosmarinus officinalisBoosting memory, anti-inflammatory, improves circulation, antibacterial
SaffronAzafranCrocus sativusAnti-oxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties
SageSalvia comun grisSalvia officinalesGingivitis, gingival bleeding, sore throat
Silver LindenTiloTilia TomentosaCalming, relaxing, blood-cleansing, expectorant, sudorific
SorrelAcederaRumex acetosaCools inflammation, diuretic, blood-cleansing and expectorant
Southern ElderSaucoSambucus AustralisCatarrh, cough
Southern woodAbrotanoArtemisia abrotanumSouthernwood was used traditionally for cramps, urinary disorders, menstrual pain and cough as well as antidote against snake bites or other poisonous animals.
Spade leafCentella AsiaticaHydrocotyle asiatica LSunburn, skin injuries
SpeedwellVeronicaVeronica OfficinalisExternally in ointments to treat skin inflammations, wounds and eczema. Tonic, relaxing, diuretic, blood-purifying.
St. John's WortHipericoHypericum perforatumAntidepressant, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
SteviaSteviaStevia RebaudianaDiabetes, lowers blood pressure, weight control
Stinging nettleOrtigaUrticaPerfect for purification and detoxification, blood purifying, beneficial effect on hair growth
StonebreakerQuiebrapiedrasPhyllanthus niruriKidney- and bladderstones
SundewDroseraDrosera Capensis For dry coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma and "bronchial cramps".
SunflowerGirasolHelianthus annuusDiuretic, expectorant, against coughs, colds and whooping cough
ThornappleEstramonioDatura stramoniumHomeopathic remedy, used for treating various disorders of the nervous system
ThymeTomilloThymus VulgarisCough, disinfection, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial
Tree tobaccoPalan PalanNicotiana glaucastimulating, narcotic, ingestion of the leaves can be fatal
TurmericCurcumaCurcuma longaAnti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties, stomach disorders, protects the liver from toxins
ValerianValerianaValeriana OfficinalisCalming, relaxing, antispasmodic
Vitex (Chaste tree)Agnus CastusVitex Agnus-CastusA supreme hormonal tonic for women
WatercressBerroNasturtium officinaleStimulant and expectorant in the treatment of coughs and bronchitis
Wormwood (Mugwort)ArtemisiaArtemisiaAntispasmodic, stimulates blood circulation, soothing, stimulates digestion, expels worms
WormwoodAjenjoArtemisia absinthiumStimulates digestion and prevents heartburn and gas, boosts energy
YarrowMilenramaAchillea millefoliumGynecological illnesses, diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, stimulant and mild aromatic
Yerba MateYerba MateIlex ParaguariensisTonic, diuretic, stimulant, depurative, stimulates digestion, weight loss aid, energizing
Agave / Maguey, antiseptic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, used externally
Aloe Vera, excellent treatment for skin conditions such as burns and eczema.
Anamu, Guine, Kills cancer cells, stimulates the immune system

Angelica root, Angelica, Medicine to stimulate gastric secretion, treat skin disorders, flatulence, and rheumatism.
Angel's Trompet, Floripondio, Poisonous plant, hallucinogenic drug, poisonous to: Cats, Dogs,
Araza, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antispasmodic effects.
Artichoke, Alcaucil, Artichokes are probably best known for their cholesterol reducing and liver protecting properties.
Autumn mandrake, Mandragora, Poisonous, only in homeopathic, sleep inducing, joint pain, asthma, depression
Avocado, Palta, Reduces blood pressure, cardiotonic, use in cosmetics
Ayahuasca, psychoactive drug, used by shamans
Basil, Albahaca, anti-inflammatory, combats bowel inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis.
Bay Leaves, Laurel, Immune booster, wound healing and anti-viral
Black current, Grosellero Negro, Boosts immune system, antioxidant capabilities
Blackberry, Zarzamora, against diarrhoea. astringent, blood purifying, skin impurities
Blue Vervain, Verbena, diuretic, respiratory disorders, soothing
Boldo, Boldo, supports the gallbladder, calms upset stomachs
Borage, Borraja, diuretic, demulcent, emollient, digestive
Broadleaf Plantain, llanten, Blood purifying, expectorant, antibacterial, diuretic, cough
Bushy Matgrass, Salvia trepadora, against headache and migraine
Cabbage, Rabano, Rheumatism, gout, inflammations
Calaguala, Calaguala, blood-purifying, sudorific, against skin diseases and rheumatism
Calendula, Calendula, Calendula is applied to the skin to reduce pain and swelling (inflammation) and to treat poorly healing wounds
Camphor, Alcanfor, Camphor as an essential oil is stimulant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, decongestant, anesthetic, sedative, antineuralgic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, also against insects
Castor Bean, Tartago, used as a laxative, Castor oil should be applied topically for getting relief from general muscle aches, arthritis and back ache.
Chacruna, Chacruna, it is known primarily as an additive to the ayahuasca brew used in South and Central America.
Chamomile, Manzanilla, digestive disorders, flatulence, cramps
Cinnamon tree, Canelero, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-septic, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, rubefacient (warming and soothing), carminative and anti-flatulent properties.
Coffee plant, Cafe, Stimulant, the shrub can reach a height of 16 feet
Comfrey Confrei, externally for its uses as in healing wounds, inflammation, bruises, muscle and joint aches
Common Mullein, Gordolobo, demulcent, emollient and astringent, useful in pectoral complaints and bleeding of the lungs and bowels
Common rue, Ruda, relieves cramps, improves blood circulation, combats flatulence
Coriander, Cilantro, anti bacterial and antiseptic, digestiv, antispasmodic
Dandelion, Diente de Leon, diuretic, used in kidney and liver disorders
Digital, Digital, the homeopathic remedy digitalis is primarily used to treat heart ailments
Echinacea, Equinacea, Stimulates the body's immune system, fights infections, especially the common cold, the flu, and other upper respiratory infections.
English Ivy, Hiedra, Expectorant properties, stimulates mucus glands
Ephedra Ephedra, Medical plant, psychoactive, stimulating, dangerous when overdosed
Espinheira santa, Congorosa, Tree, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, estrogenic effect, pain reliever
Evening primrose, Onagra, Tea made from the roots is used in the treatment of obesity, seeds for skin and blood vessels
Fennel, Hinojo, Remedy for gas, acid stomach, gout, cramps, colic and spasms, calming
Fig, Higuera, Figs are used for their mild, laxative action
Fireweed, Epilobio, a treatment for prostate and urinary problems including benign prostatic hyperplasia or enlarged prostate, and for various gastrointestinal disorders 
Ginger, Jengibre, Warming remedy, lowering high blood pressure, anti-viral, cold and flu remedy
Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair), Ginkgo Biloba, stimulates the brain and reduces short-term memory loss, improves blood circulation
Greater Celandine, Celidonia, homeopathic, (poisonous),  liver and biliary system.
Guava, Guayabo, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antidiarrheal, antimutagenic properties.
Hawthorn, Crataegus, Espino blanco, beneficial to the cardiovascular system
Hemlock, Cicuta, poisonous, only used as a homeopathic remedy
Hollyhock, Malvarrosa, emollient, demulcent and diuretic properties
Horehound herb, Marrubio, antiinflammatory effects, Bronchitis, cough
Horse-chestnut, Castaño de Indias, Varicose veins, hemorrhoids, swollen veins
Horsetail, Cola de caballo, relieves rheumatism, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, blood-cleansing
Juniper, Enebro, digestion problems, loss of appetite, infections
Lady's mantle, Pie de Leon, particularly for women's diseases, blood purifying, diuretic, relieves cramps
Lavender, Lavanda, Lavender is used for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression. It is also used for a variety of digestive complaints including meteorism.
Lemon Balm, Melisa (toronjil), calming effects (anxiety, sleep problems, restlessness), antioxidant, protects brain cells
Lemon Beebrush    Cedron, protects your muscles, reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, calms the stomach, reduces fevers, soothes nerves, and clears up congestion
Lemongrass, Lemongrass, reduces fevers, bowel spasms, soothing
Marcela, Marcela, respiratory disorders, kills viruses and bacteria
Marjoram, Mejorana, calming the stomach and digestive system, eliminating flatulence, curing or preventing basic intestinal infections
Mexican tea, Paico, antiparasite, carminative, vermifuge, digestive
Milk thistle, Cardo Mariano, recommended herb for liver health, contains numerous anti-aging properties, works as a free radical scavenger and powerful antioxidant
Mother of Thousands, Aranto,, used externally: inflammations, ulcers, athlete's foot, eczema, warts
Myrtle, Arrayan, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant properties
Night Shade, Belladona, homeopathic, against inflammation (poisonous)
Orchid tree, Pata de vaca, effective against Diabetes Mellitus
Oregano, Oregano, antioxidant , antifungal, antibiotic, pain reliever
Parsley Perejil, rich in many vital vitamins, keeps the immune system strong, relieves joint pain
Passion fruit, Maracuya, Relaxing, antispasmodic, stimulating and uplifting effect
Peppermint, Menta Piperita, Antispasmodic, cholagogue, prevents flatulence, antibacterial
Peruvian Pepper tree, Anacahuita, Antimicrobial and antiseptic against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections;
Peruvian torch cactus, San Pedro, Psychoactive plant
Rosemary, Romero, Boosting memory, anti-inflammatory, improves circulation, antibacterial
Saffron, Azafran, Anti-oxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties
Sage, Salvia comun gris, Gingivitis, gingival bleeding, sore throat
Silver Linden, Tilo, Calming, relaxing, blood-cleansing, expectorant, sudorific
Sorrel, Acedera, Cools inflammation, diuretic, blood-cleansing and expectorant
Southern Elder, Sauco, Catarrh, cough
Southern wood, Abrotano, Southernwood was used traditionally for cramps, urinary disorders, menstrual pain and cough as well as antidote against snake bites or other poisonous animals.
Spade leaf, Centella Asiatica, Sunburn, skin injuries
Speedwell, Veronica, Externally in ointments to treat skin inflammations, wounds and eczema. Tonic, relaxing, diuretic, blood-purifying.
St. John's Wort, Hiperico, Antidepressant, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
Stevia, Stevia, Diabetes, lowers blood pressure, weight control
Stinging nettle, Ortiga, Perfect for purification and detoxification, blood purifying, beneficial effect on hair growth
Stonebreaker, Quiebrapiedras, Kidney- and bladderstones
Sundew, Drosera, For dry coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma and "bronchial cramps"
Sunflower, Girasol, Diuretic, expectorant, against coughs, colds and whooping cough
Thornapple, Estramonio, Homeopathic remedy, used for treating various disorders of the nervous system
Thyme, Tomillo, Cough, disinfection, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial
Tree tobacco, Palan Palan, stimulating, narcotic, ingestion of the leaves can be fatal
Turmeric, Curcuma, Anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties, stomach disorders, protects the liver from toxins
Valerian, Valeriana, Calming, relaxing, antispasmodic
Vitex (Chaste tree), Agnus Castus, A supreme hormonal tonic for women
Watercress, Berro, Stimulant and expectorant in the treatment of coughs and bronchitis
Wormwood (Mugwort) Artemisia, Antispasmodic, stimulates blood circulation, soothing, stimulates digestion, expels worms
Wormwood, Ajenjo, Stimulates digestion and prevents heartburn and gas, boosts energy
Yarrow, Milenrama, Gynecological illnesses, diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, stimulant and mild aromatic
Yerba Mate, Yerba Mate, Tonic, diuretic, stimulant, depurative, stimulates digestion, weight loss aid, energizing

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