Sexual drive (reducing), hormonal tonic | Reduce el deseo sexual | Vitex (Chaste tree) |
Sexual drive (increasing) | Excita el deseo sexual. | Basil, Ginger, Ginseng |
Painkiller | Alivia el dolor | Willow Bark, Devil's claw |
Narcotic agent | Pérdida de sensaciones; alivio del dolor. | Coca, etc |
Gastric acid, against | Combate la acidez en el organismo | Juniper, Fennel |
Allergy, reduces the symptoms | Reduce los síntomas de la alergia. | Stinging nettle,extract butterbur |
Infection, fighting infection | Combate la infección en el cuerpo. | Garlic, Onions, Sage |
Blood clotting, stops blood clotting | Evita la coagulación de la sangre. | Tumeric, Ginger, Garlic |
Epilepsy , medicine | Controla las convulsiones. | Cannabis (Psychoactive drug) |
Depression, remedy against depression | Reanima y contrarresta la melancolía. | St. john's wort, Tumeric, Lemon balm, etc. |
Toothaches, relieves the pain of tooth aching | Alivia los dolores de muelas. | Parsley, Garlic, Cloves, etc. |
Vomiting, reduces vomiting | Reduce los vómitos | Dill, Ginger, Chamomile, etc. |
Hardening of tissue, helps to prevent the hardening of tissue | Impide el endurecimiento de los tejidos debido a una inflamación crónica | Garlic Pomegranate, Buckwheat |
Cramps, relieves cramps | Alivia los calambres. | Thyme, Caraway, Lemon Balm, etc. |
Inflammation, acts against inflammation | Reduce las inflamaciones. | Aloe Vera, Elderberries, Lavender, Calendula, Yarrow |
Bacteria, fungi or parasites, destroying or preventing | Reduce los microbios. | Calendula, Sage, Garlic, etc. |
Nerve pain, relieves or reduces nerve pain | Reduce los dolores nerviosos | St. John's Wort, Valerian, Rosemary, Lemon Balm |
Itching, relieves itching | Evita los picores. | Speedwell, Oak, Chamomile, Aloe Vera, etc. |
Rheumatism, acts against rheumatism | Contribuye a aliviar el reumatismo. | Arnica, Sage, Yarrow, etc. |
Microbes, destroys the development of microbes | Ayuda a prevenir la degeneración de los tejidos y controla las infecciones. | Sage |
Sweating, prevents sweating | Reduce la transpiración. | Clary sage, Sage |
Poison, neutralizes poison | Neutraliza los venenos. | Basil, Coriander, Dandelion |
Virus, kills or suppresses viruses | Controla los organismos víricos. | Thyme, Echinacea |
Appetite, stimulates the appetite | Estimula el apetito | Artischoke, Dill, Coriander, Ginger, Ingwer, Enzian, etc. |
Contraction of organic tissue | Contrae, tensa y liga tejidos. | Vervain, St. John's wort, Calendula |
Bacteria, kills bacteria | Combate las bacterias. | Oregano, Ajo, Sage, Yarrow, etc. |
Expectorant | Cura, alivia y ablanda las flemas. | Elecampane, Sage, Coltsfoot, Plantain, Thyme |
Cough relieving | Alivia la tos. | ough sirope from chopped onions, Sage, Thyme and candy suger |
Heart, related to the heart | De efecto estimulante sobre el corazón. | Hawthorn, Rosemary, etc. |
Gas, prevents formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract | Expulsa gas de los intestinos. | Aniseed, Fennel, Caraway |
Head, remedy for disorders pertaining to the head | Estimula y aclara la mente. | Angelica, Valerian, Basil, Woodruff, etc. |
Scar healing | Contribuye a la formación de tejidos en una herida. | Aloe Vera, Gota Kola, Chamomile |
Bile production, increases the bile production | Incrementa la producción de bilis. | Yarrow, Common centaury, Artichocke, etc. |
Heart tonic | Tónico para el corazón. | Ginseng |
Purifying and detoxifying effect | Purifica la sangre. | Elderberry, Stinging nettle, Dandelion, Vervain, Aloe Vera |
Nasal congestion, relieving | Elimina mucosas nasales. | Garlic, Onion, Aloe Vera, Eucalyptus, etc. |
Germs, destroys germs | Destruye gérmenes. | Oregano, Nasturtium |
Toxins, removes toxins from the body | Neutraliza las sustancias tóxicas. | Basil, Coriander, Basilikum, Koriander, Dandelion |
Odor, destroys odor | Destruye el olor. | Sage |
Digestion, stimulates digestion | Ayuda la digestión. | Wormwood, Beifuss, Marjoram, Yarrow |
Urine, agent that increases the amount of urine | Incrementa la producción de orina. | Birch leaves, Horse tail, Dandelion, etc. |
Menstruation, stimulates menstruation | Promueve y regula la menstruación. | Ginger, Aloe Vera, etc. |
Skin, softens and soothes the skin | Reblandece la piel. | Aloe Vera, Lady's mantle, etc. |
Spleen tonic | Tónico del bazo. | Stinging nettle, Chicory, Agrimony |
Energy, strength and power | Incrementa la adrenalina y las energías. | Basil, Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair), Ginseng, Ginger, Parsley, etc. |
Stomach problems | Alivia los trastornos gástricos. | Aniseed, Fennel, Fenchel, Caraway |
Respiratory tract, expels mucus from the respiratory tract | Elimina el exceso de mucosa de los bronquios. | Coltsfoot, Dandelion, Sage, Ribwort, Thyme, etc. |
Fever reducing | Refresca y reduce temperaturas elevadas del organismo. | Lime tree, Thyme, Willow |
Fungus, destroys fungus | Destruye las infecciones de hongos. | Ginger, Lemon balm, Oregano |
Lactation, promotes lactation | Incrementa la secreción de leche. | Fennel, Aniseed, Vervain |
Bleeding, stops bleeding | Detiene la hemorragia de una herida. | Yarrow |
Liver and gallbladder, stimulates the function of the liver and gallbladder | Estimula y favorece la función del hígado y de la vesícula biliar. | Artischoke, Yarrow, Dandelion, Wormwood |
Blood sugar, lowers blood sugar | Reduces blood sugar | Sweet leaf, Prickly pear, Cinnamon, Basil, etc. |
Blood pressure, lowers blood pressure | Reduce la tensión. | Garlic, Yarrow, Hawthorn, etc. |
Insects, eliminates the insects | Elimina los insectos. | Lemon Balm, Lavender, Pepermint, Rosemary, etc. |
Constipation, relieves constipation | Favorece la evacuación intestinal. | Artischoke, Fennel, Flaxseed, etc. |
Nervous excitement, soothes nervous excitement | Reduce los trastornos nerviosos. | St. John's Wort, Basil, Lemon Balm, etc. |
Childbirth, facilitates the childbirth | Facilita el parto. | Valerian roots, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Bitter orange peel |
Health, restores health | Restaura la salud. | Ginkgo biloba, Ginseng, Rosemary etc. |
Blisters and swellings | Disuelve ampollas e hinchazones. | Birch, stinging nettle, garlic, etc. |
Blood circulation, stimulates blood circulation | Reanima, incrementando el torrente sanguíneo. | Garlic, Ginkgo, Ginger |
Soothing effect | Calma | St. John's Wort, Lemon Balm, Valerian, Lavender |
Perspiration, agent that induces perspiration | Aumenta la transpiración. | Lime blossom, Willow, Raspberry, etc. |
Strengthening and fortifying | Mejora el rendimiento corporal. | Kola nut, Nutmeg, Buckthorn, etc. |
Uterine tonic | Tónico del útero. | Lady's mantle, Yarrow |
Worms, expels intestinal worms | Expulsa lombrices. | Preventive: Thyme tea |
Wounds and sores, an agent that helps to heal wounds and sores by external application | Impide la degeneración de los tejidos y detiene las hemorragias de las heridas. | Hemp-agrimony, Arnica |